Golf Tournament Registration Form When the form is complete click the SEND button located at the bottom of the page. Golfer Information Number of Golfers (If Applicable): Golfer 1 (If Applicable) Name: City/State: Telephone: Email: Golfer 2 (If Applicable) Name: City / State: Telephone: Email: Golfer 3 (If Applicable) Name: City / State: Telephone: Email: Golfer 4 (If Applicable) Name: City / State: Telephone: Email: Sponsor Information Sponsor Name (Required): Sponsor Email (Required): Sponsorship Level (Required): 4 Golfers $600.003 Golfers $450.002 Golfers $300.001 Golfer $150.00Par Sponsor - T-Box $100Par Sponsor - Flag $100Birdie Sponsor - T-Box & Flag $175Contest Hole - Eagle Sponsor - T-Box $150Contest Hole - Flag Sponsorship $150Contest Hole - T-Box & Flag $300 Payment Method (Required): I will mail payment by checkI will make payment by PayPal